Wipe off a significant portion of debt instantly!Stop paying interest and get away from spiral of debt!With Individual Voluntary Arrangement, IVA you can wipe off a significant proportion of your debt instantly – often as much as 95% and stop paying your interest and other charges, get away from being mired in debts. And pay one reduced monthly installment with no interest involved. Furthermore, an IVA offers you a greater repayment of the debt than would otherwise be achieved if you were made bankrupt. Make use of IVA as a good alternative to bankruptcy and agree to pay some amount within a stipulated period with your creditor. Apply now and put your finances in order!
How does IVA help?
- Write off 95% of your debts with IVA
- NO fees or legal proceeding unlike bankruptcy
- Serves you for unsecured debt problems above £5000Simple and free IVA advice online
- Take control of your finances within a short span
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